Quality Policy

The Department of Management Science and Technology (DET), in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (QAQU) and the competent services of the Institution, has harmonized the Quality Policy of the Postgraduate Programme of Studies (PSP) with the Quality Policy of the Department and the University of Patras.

This Policy is based on the following fundamental values:

– Academic freedom in teaching, research, expression and circulation of ideas within the framework of the Constitution and the Laws of the State.
– Respect for meritocracy, academic and scientific ethics, in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the Constitution and the laws of the State.
– Dedication to the advancement of science and the transmission and dissemination of knowledge with a sense of social responsibility.

The purpose of the Quality Policy of the MSc in Digital Transformation of Tax and Financial Services is to efficiently fill a gap in the existing School of Economics and Business Administration by providing its graduates with a comprehensive technological and administrative background so that they can gain a competitive advantage as professionals. The MSc designs, improves and implements procedures based on the realization that compatibility with modern requirements at national and European level is required, recognizing the fact of transition (both of education and the labour market) to an internationalized/interconnected model.

The Quality Policy of the MSc in Digital Transformation of Tax and Financial Services

– It is in line with the Quality Policy and the strategic objectives of the Department of Management Science and Technology (DET) and the Foundation.
– It promotes the mission of the MSc and supports the implementation of its strategic objectives at the academic, research and administrative levels.
– Define the framework of the MSc’s objectives and ensure that the objectives set are monitored, measured and achieved.
– Implement all procedures carried out in the MSc: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF TAX AND FINANCIAL SERVICES.
– It reinforces the concept of quality that must underpin all educational, research and administrative processes.
– It commits all members of the academic community of the MSc to work for the continuous improvement of the quality of the educational and research processes and the services provided to students and society.

In the context of the implementation of the Quality Policy, the MSc in Digital Transformation of Tax and Financial Services is committed to implementing procedures that will ensure:

– The appropriateness of the structure and organization of the postgraduate curriculum offered
– the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
– the continuous improvement of the educational process and the effectiveness of teaching and the link between teaching and research.
– the suitability of teaching staff qualifications
– the promotion of the quality and quantity of the research work of the members of the academic unit.
– the level of demand on the labour market for the qualifications obtained by graduates.
– the quality of support services, such as administrative services, libraries and student support services.

The implementation of the Quality Policy of the MSc requires the continuous investigation, recording and analysis of the processes and the results they produce, the timely identification of problems and the initiation of their resolution, the care for the satisfaction of all members of the academic community and the collaborating institutions.

The implementation of the Department’s Quality Policy is carried out through an annual review and internal audit involving all members of the academic community. The process is coordinated by the members of the Department’s QMG in collaboration with the Department’s M.I.P. The process is supported by all bodies and committees of the MSc.

Within the framework of the annual review and internal inspection, aggregated data with quantitative data on the implementation of the curricula are collected, recorded and processed, course and lecturer evaluations are carried out by students, lecturer census forms are compiled for all courses, the research output of the members of the MSc is recorded and, in general, any other issue relevant to the operation and achievement of the objectives of the postgraduate programme is monitored and analysed. The results of the internal evaluation are presented at a special meeting of the Department Assembly, where the necessary corrective and improvement actions are decided.

For the implementation of quality assurance procedures, information systems are used for recording and processing quality data, which have been developed and are operated under the responsibility of the MO.D.I.P:

The Quality Policy is made public on the website of the MSF for the information of all stakeholders and their participation in the procedures foreseen.

Quality Target of the MSc

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1. Upgrading and quality control of the MSc

1.1 Increase the participation rate of students in the evaluation processes of the MSc, through the OMEA and the information of the PG students.

1.3 Improving the graduation rate.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2. Increase the visibility of the MSc.

2.1 Strengthen the presence of the MSc on the Internet.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3. Enhancing the academic development of the MSc.

3.1. Organisation of annual targeted thematic lectures / workshops.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4. Linking the MSc with external organizations.

4.1. Strengthening links with the graduates of the MSc.

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5. Cultivate a culture of quality and excellence.

5.1. Participation of students in academic work with MSc faculty members.


An important element for the professional development of teaching staff members is the operation of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Support (KEDIMA). The University of Patras is the first higher education institution that established KEDIMA (2016) with the aim of professional development and growth of teaching staff members and the upgrading of teaching. KEDIMA offers various types of programmes such as programmes for specific groups of faculty (e.g. newly appointed faculty members, contract faculty), programmes upon request from departments, as well as ad hoc programmes for the implementation of specific tools, techniques and teaching methods (e.g. for upgrading the digital skills of faculty members, for the application of collaborative and student-centred methods, for the application of innovative approaches such as the use of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method, for the application of the digital teaching method. KEDIMA is housed in a dedicated space with possibilities for face-to-face, videoconferencing or hybrid programmes. To date it has developed ten packages of educational material for university education and participates in European networks for the upgrading of university teaching. It should be noted that KEDIMA is directly linked to quality assurance processes as it operates within the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) and is aligned with all components of the Institution’s Integrated Quality Assurance System (IQAS). The Quality Policy of the MSc in Digital Transformation of Tax and Financial Services is aligned with the Quality Policy and the strategic objectives of the Department of Management Science and Technology (DET) and the Foundation. It promotes the mission of the MSc and supports the implementation of its strategic objectives at academic, research and administrative levels. Define the framework of the MSc’s objectives and ensure that the objectives set are monitored, measured and achieved. It implements all the procedures carried out in the MSc: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF TAX AND FINANCIAL SERVICES. It reinforces the concept of quality that must govern all educational, research and administrative procedures. It commits all members of the academic community of the MSc to work for the continuous improvement of the quality of the educational and research processes and of the services provided to students and society.  In the context of the implementation of the Quality Policy, the MSc in Digital Transformation of Tax and Financial Services is committed to implementing procedures that will ensure: the appropriateness of the structure and organization of the postgraduate programme of study that offers the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. the continuous improvement of the educational process and the effectiveness of teaching and the link between teaching and research; the adequacy of the qualifications of teaching staff the promotion of the quality and quantity of the research work of members of the academic unit; the level of demand for the acquired qualifications of graduates in the labour market; the quality of support services, such as administrative services, libraries and student welfare services.